M & M
Hello, awareness and information, at work, today I received this email, and I think a very positive way power contribute, even a bit, to alert my friends, friends, sisters, brothers, and family in general; Influenza H1N1.
only ask that I help to spread and disseminate this information to everyone on their mailing list / contacts.
The more people we are informed or know about the disease, we will collaborate to reduce the risk of contagion.
1 .- How long live virus influenza A in a handle or smooth?
R: Up to 10 hours.
2. - How useful is the alcohol to clean your hands?
R: Back inactive virus and kills it.
3 .- What is the most efficient means of transmission of this virus?
A: The air is not the most effective transmission of the virus, the most important factor in fixing the virus is damp, (lining of the nose, mouth and eyes) the virus does not fly and does not reach more than one meter distance.
4 .- Is it easy to spread on airplanes?
A: No, it is a means not conducive to spread.
5 .- How I can avoid infection?
R: No touching their face, eyes, nose and mouth. Not to be with sick people. Wash your hands more than 10 times a day.
6 .- What is the incubation period of the virus?
A: On average 5 to 7 days and symptoms appear almost immediately.
7 .- When should you start taking medication?
A: Within 72 hours the prognosis is very good, the improvement is 100%
8 .- What is the way the virus enters the body?
A: By contact by shaking hands or kissing on the cheek and nose, mouth and eyes
9 .- The virus is lethal?
A: No, what kills is the complication of the disease caused by the virus, which is pneumonia
10 .- What are the risks of the relatives of people who died?
A: They can be carriers and form a chain of transmission.
11 .- Is Pool water transmitting the virus?
A: Not because it contains chemicals and is chlorinated
12 .- What does the virus when it causes death?
R: A cascade of reactions such as respiratory failure, severe pneumonia is the cause of death.
13 .- When you start the infection, before symptoms occur or until?
A: Since you have the virus before symptoms
14 .- What is the probability of relapse with the same disease?
R: 0%, because pigs are immune to the virus.
15 .- Where is the virus in the environment?
A: When a person carries it sneezes or coughs, the virus can be on smooth surfaces such as door handles, money, paper, documents, provided there is moisture. Since it is not going to sterilize the environment take extra recommended hand hygiene.
16 .- If I go to a private hospital medicine I should charge?
A: No, there is an agreement not to charge because the government is providing all public health centers and private.
17 .- The virus strikes most people with asthma?
A: Yes, patients are more susceptible, but being a new germ are all equally susceptible.
18 .- What is the population that is attacking this virus?
R: 20 to 50 years of age.
19 .- Is it useful to the surgical masks?
A: There are some better quality than others, but if you are healthy is counterproductive, because the virus because of its size across it as if it did not exist and use the mask is created in the area of \u200b\u200bthe nose and mouth a humid microclimate conducive to developing viral, but if you are already infected use it to avoid infecting others, although it is relatively effective.
20 .- I can exercise outdoors?
A: Yes, the virus does not go in the air or has wings.
21 .- Is it useful to take vitamin C?
A: It is no to prevent the spread of this virus, but it helps to resist his attack.
22 .- Who is safe from this disease or who are less susceptible?
A: Safe is not anyone helping the hygiene in homes, offices, kitchen utensils and do not go to public places.
23 .- The virus moves?
A: No, the virus has neither legs nor wings, one pushes him to come inside the body.
24 .- Do pets spread the virus?
A: This virus NO, probably another type of virus spread.
25 .- If I go to a wake for someone who died of this virus I can not pass?
A: NO.
26 .- What is the risk of pregnant women with this virus?
R: Pregnant women have the same risk but two, if they can take antivirals in case of infection but with strict medical supervision.
27 .- Does the fetus can be injured if a pregnant woman is infected by this virus?
A: We do not know what havoc can do in the process because it is a new virus.
28 .- I can take acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin)?
A: It is not recommended, can cause other diseases, unless you have it prescribed for coronary problems, then continue taking it.
29 .- Is there any point before taking antiviral symptoms?
A: There is no point.
30 .- Do people with HIV, diabetes, AIDS, cancer, etc.., May be more complicated than a healthy person if you get a virus?
A: Yes.
31 .- A strong conventional flu influenza can become?
A: NO.
32 .- What kills the virus?
A: The sun, more than 5 days in the environment, soap, antiviral drugs, alcohol gel.
33 .- What do you do in hospitals to prevent contagion to other patients who do not have the virus?
R: Isolation
34 .- The alcohol gel is effective?
A. YES, very effective.
35 .- If I am vaccinated against seasonal influenza am safe from this virus?
A: There's no use, there is still no vaccine for this virus.
36 .- Is this virus is under control?
A: Not totally, but they are taking aggressive containment measures.
37 .- That means moving from a warning alert 4 5?
R: Phase 4 does not do things differently to phase 5, it means the virus has spread from person to person by more than 2 countries, and stage 6 is that it has spread over 3 countries. 38 .-
who was infected with this virus and healthy immune?
A. SI.
39 .- Do children with cough and flu have influenza?
A: It is unlikely, children are little affected.
40 .- Measures of people working to take?
A: Wash your hands many times a day.
41 .- Can I pass I can outdoors?
A: If infected people cough and / or sneeze it can happen, but the air is half of some contagion.
42 .- Can you eat pork?
A: Yes you can and there is no risk of contagion.
43 .- What is the determining factor to know that already controlled the virus?
A: While the control now epidemic in the winter (northern hemisphere) can return and still no vaccine.
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