Thursday, March 24, 2011

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The Counter

Cuban asked Attorney
punishment of 20 years in prison
The report of the Cuban Communist Party influence in the fall of Max Marambio

The decision in the island was received quietly by the employer's lawyer, Juan Pablo Hermosilla, as it believes that behind it is a political struggle between Fidel and Raul Castro. While some legitimate thought process proceed in the absence, because "according to Chilean law and international conventions it is forbidden."

the counter
A report of the Communist Party was the one that ended in April 2010 to bury a history of good relations with businessman Max Marambio the Cuban regime. This is because the document made it clear that the food company Río Zaza, whose property shared with the system of the island, would have applied surcharges and committed fraud.

And on Thursday, a year after learning of these allegations, the Office of Cuba after trial in absence, charged him with the crimes of bribery, forgery and fraud. And also requested to be punished with 20 years in prison.

Anyway Marambio's lawyer, Juan Pablo Hermosilla, found that high penalty requested better be described as "political struggle", considering that a crime is economic. "Here the problem has to do, but it is a speculation, with some internal power dynamics in Cuba, just for the loss of power from Fidel (Castro) and the large power that has taken Raul (Castro) in recent times, "said professional told Radio Cooperativa. Hermosilla

also considered as some legitimate for the process to proceed in his absence, considering that "according to Chilean law and international conventions it is forbidden, because how can we judge a person without being present?".

finally said that the Cuban government chose the path of extradition as it is aware that such request will be rejected by the Chilean courts. "We just live with an extradition came from Colombia - For Manuel Olate, thus risk a negative. "

The dossier Marambio "

Details of the Cuban Communist dossier was announced last year the desk the day after the strange death of Roberto Baudrand Havana, general manager of Rio Zaza Food, dedicated to packaged dairy products, juices and foods.

then, Marambio argued that he was forced to conclude the signing of the "yard" that Raul Castro would finance tax payments stopping foreign companies, which left about $ 23 million frozen in Cuba. The report

the only legal political party in Cuba, the business of Chilean businessman on the island were linked to alleged crimes like selling overpriced products and fraud. Two illegal central to the prosecution that would have led to the arrest of contributors Marambio and the long, harsh interrogations he was subjected to the manager of Río Zaza, Roberto Baudrand.

The conflict between Fidel and Raul

On March 8, 2010, the official newspaper Granma reported on the ouster of President of the Institute of Civil Aeronautics, Rogelio Acevedo González, a prominent general of the Revolution of According to unofficial versions, would been related to an embezzlement operation. Later, he learned of the arrest of Acevedo's wife, Ofelia Liptak, commercial director of Rio Zaza, and Lucy Leal, accountant Marambio companies in Cuba. In both cases there was talk of the alleged embezzlement and diversion of resources abroad. A thesis that two Cuban sources close to the diplomacy of the country ratified separately, pointing to alleged attempts to expatriate middle resources detected by the iron circle of Raul.

Sources of the Chilean confided in time to the counter to one of the reasons why the Cuban Public Prosecutor decided to open an inquiry lies in the detection of irregular situations in the behavior of firms Marambio. One of them was the payment of bonuses to employees-common practice in joint ventures to boost productivity-and the other: the existence of influence peddling, thanks to the level of "arrival" of Marambio in some sectors of government. Generalissimo of MEO

All the alleged crimes and irregularities in the business of Marambio were put into context by a close former Special Forces officer who believes that there was a prosecution against him for the leading role it played in the presidential campaign Marco Enríquez-Ominami and unorthodox style of the candidate.

"A year ago, in 2009 - their companies were placed there as an example of how things are done well in Cuba and now, from night to morning, a day after the Dec. 13 election, the same everyday practices, accepted and promoted by Raúl become illegal. "

According to him, behind the situations mentioned in the dossier Marambio, hiding the fact that the Cubans will want to pass the bill "the former MIR for having convinced that the only presidential candidate who had left or progressive chances to defeat the coalition in the last election was Marco Enríquez. When in reality, according to the reading of Havana, which he did was open the doors of La Moneda right the first democratically elected government in the past 50 years, with the consequent change in the political balance in Latin America that are strategic for survival of the Communist regime of Castro. In fact, until the arrival of the government Piñera Chile was not so front line against Cuba.

In this process, the trusted core of Raul Castro did not spare the political leader of failing to support MEO decisively to Eduardo Frei in the presidential runoff in January 2010. Nor, in different moments of the campaign has operated three bands: 1. With the Cuban authorities who removed their support for the Communist candidate Jorge Arrate and influencing them to detract from Venezuela to the campaign helps Alejandro Navarro 2. With former President Michelle Bachelet to Enríquez-Ominami endorse their support to Eduardo Frei in the second round and 3. Andres Allamand and Andrew Chadwick, who wanted the son of Miguel Enriquez Frei did not support or if they did, just was a warm gesture that would not affect current President Sebastián Piñera. Which did not happen because in his final speech, Enriquez-Ominami Piñera linked to the Pinochet and those who killed his father.

A year ago, the only version of the fact he had not given Marambio, but ME-O and an interview with La Tercera, where he said that what was happening in Cuba with his former political leader is a "process of harassment and demolition companies Max" which started on 14 December 2009, a day after the defeat of the candidate who provoked the wrath of the government of the island and the corresponding complaint Marambio, when shortly before said in a CNN interview with Thomas Mosciatti: "The day lift the embargo, we two to liberate Cuba. "

victim not
In the Chilean version of political harassment was rebutted. "What we have here is not is a case of this nature, according to the confidential report of their Cuban peers and internal political analysis, but economic, of anomalies in the way they handled their business Marambio in Cuba. The point is that justice in Cuba when he investigates, it does so very quiet in order to obtain the necessary evidence and make them known when the investigation ends. When that happens, will be the MOP-GATE Cubans, "claimed a source of that community, an organization that has old scores to Marambio following the period in which he and the Communists were partners at the Universidad Arcis and managed with the government Hugo Chávez a soft loan for the house of studies in U.S. $ 8 million.

version matches the letter appeared in The Mercury on April 11, 2010 from several Chilean businessmen who took the floor at Marambio.

The letter is clear: "The business case of Chilean businessman Max Marambio is a specific situation that is under investigation in the Courts of Justice in Cuba, and the competition will settle their transgressions have been committed to current regulations, problems any other Chilean companies in Cuba have. "

Among the signatories was Domper Angel, owner of International TJP, who when asked by the newspaper went even further with his remarks: "He is not a victim. There are business partners in prison and other subjects under investigation. In Cuba, when there is research, it is that agencies already have a number of accumulated history. "


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