Sunday, March 20, 2011

Do You Wear Maxi Pads



Tomorrow begins the spring. The leaves of the trees in my street have started to bloom and the air is loaded with different flavors. A grieving hearts, wounded, seasonal changes were awakened sadness, fears and longings recent and old. The new life flowing everywhere, unstoppable horrors and costs to keep up. This spring 2011 also announces various changes hard and deep. There is a mild spring, no, which starts tomorrow. The world is not the same since our children are gone, but the fact is that now the world is not the same for anyone. Say that the crisis we are experiencing is necessary to end a way of relating to the planet and each other that no longer works, it is outdated. The Earth itself seems to be in mourning, trying to leave behind what causes pain and suffering with the hope to embrace a brighter future, less aggressive, more respectful. They call it change in consciousness. Until we get there is uncertainty. Hard to let him know when we do not know how it will be what is to come. But it is the only way no choice. Life does not stop, you have to cross the personal and collective mourning. The strength hurts more. Now more than ever we must hold hands of love to dispel the fears and be good 'surfers'. We will fall many times, but all have the inner strength that gets us up every time you stumble. When I lack energy, nothing works better than me for help "to the above", my guide, the power of love, it does not matter the name we use to connect to the essence. I can not do anything alone. Each of us is an ant, but if we unite, if we know that we have with each other, if we trust in the power of good, uncertainty is more bearable, it is easier to find peace.


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