Report repression by death anniversary ozt then reproduce situations found some opponents on the island, trying to remember the first anniversary of the assassination of Orlando Zapata Tamayo, 23 February 2010. Havana Marta Fonseca Quevedo Sara on February 21 made up "Zapata Vive" in the afternoon with 6 dissidents in Reparto Rio Verde, walked about 100 meters. From that moment has operational oversight of the State Security.
February 22 at 8 am, headed for the U.S. Interest Yuniel Larena, and 76 between 41 and 43 in the Municipality of Marianao Lada car intercepted him with particular sheet which fell 3 agents of State Security, which were identified using a card that was not allowed to see and took him to the 6th. Unity of the PNR (National Revolutionary Police) in Marianao, it stayed there until 11 am and two officers who interviewed him told him they were secure and not allow him to participate in any activity and make it stop until day 25 .
They report Yasmani Niclas and Yadira Rodríguez Abad Bombino who have surrounded the house in the municipality of San Miguel del Padrón in Havana.
In Matanzas, former political prisoner Benito Ortega Suárez is an operation in the home and the officers of State Security, yell and provoke.
The Alternative Action Movement's headquarters, home of the Sigler Amaya brothers, no police presence and also in the municipality of Cardenas activist Eduardo Pacheco Ortiz has 10 troops surrounded the house and members of the paramilitary State Security.
Cárdenas Also in Long Beach, Leticia Ramos Blacksmithing activist has his house surrounded and no communication with her.
Villa Clara
In Placetas, Villa Clara, the house of Jorge Luis García Pérez "Antúnez" is surrounded and can not move.
surrounded by members of State Security, the National Revolutionary Police and the Rapid Response Brigades, the houses of Frank Reyes López and Yunieski García López, and an operation in the Che Guevara Plaza de Santa Clara, Villa Clara. It also houses Félix Reyes Gutiérrez and Carlos Michael Morales Rodríguez Ranchuelo in the same province.
was detained in Cienfuegos Carmenate Miguel Batista (70), in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Prado, on his way home from Alejandro Tur Valladares.
arrested in Sibanicú, Camaguey Ómanibus Terminal Yordan Marrero Vueltas, had a ticket to travel to Banes, Holguín.
At 10 pm the day 21, around the house of Roberto Marrero La Rosa in Camaguey, park patrols and Mendez had cars near his home discovered a truck with more than a dozen troops with body armor. People today have remained around your home. Fernández Santos activist was visited on day 21 in the morning and threatened to take away the license to sell food if it continued to go home from Roberto Marrero.
The homes of Queen Luisa Tamayo Danger and other opponents are still besieged in Banes, Holguín.
At 8 and 30 am approximately day 21, were arrested in Holguin, Hilda Torres Reparto: Juan Edilberto Artorio Sacarías Verdecia Leyva and Torres, as they walked to the home of Caridad Caballero Batista.
Robier Cruz Campos, was arrested at the entrance to the house of Julio Cesar Ramos Curbelo on day 21 at 6 pm, and is in criminal proceedings in Holguín.
Galván Jorge Luis Claro, arrested in Gibara, 22 February, on hunger strike, the mother has surrounded the house at the county, her name is Charity Galván Velázquez.
Retained Cacocum Township, after being arrested and deported in Holguin: Franklin Peregrino del Toro and Bertha Segura Guerrero.
Retained at his home in Holguin, head municipality: Roberto Martinez Perdomo, María Antonia Hidalgo Mir, José Ramón Pupo Nieves, Marlene Font Pupo, Fidel García Roldán, Elsa García Roldán, José Santos Escobar, Juan Ocaña Carlos Reyes, Julio César Ramos Curbelo, Libya Hernández Pérez.
sites in the city of Bayamo, Granma: Armando Pacheco Rodriguez, Lora Lester Carbonel, Yordanis Rodriguez, Luis Antonio Santi Soto and Juan Francisco Reyes Benitez reported Yoandri Montoya.
In Manzanillo, Granma, have surrounded the homes of: Tania de la Torre Montesinos, Ubaldo and Leonardo Cancio León Santana.
Santiago de Cuba
Day 21 at 10 am stopped at Palma Soriano, Unit of Engagement 20 opponents, for protesting the harassment they are subject, among them were the following: Carlos Alberto Reyes Casanova, Naples Yuleisy Garcés, Rafael Cabrera Montoya Julio César Valcárcel Ballester, Agustín Alonso Parada, Juan Batista Falcon, Reynaldo Martínez Rodríguez, Marino Anto Machin, José Enrique Ferrer Bejerano, Cala Juan Carlos Figueroa, Miguel Rodríguez Montoya, Carlos Manuel Casanova. 4 of detainees were taken to Santiago de Cuba, two in combat.
From Núñez Reinosa Idarmis house in Santiago de Cuba, at 11 and 30 in the morning they arrested Guillemo Espinosa, Guillermo Arocha and Cobas Reinier.
On Saturday 19 February, in the Parque Cespedes in Santiago de Cuba, facing the municipal government, gathered 5 opponents, with two posters, one saying: "Zapata Vive" and another had 4 large photos Victims of the February 24, Brothers to the Rescue and 5 small photos of the 5 Cuban spies in jails in the United States of America, with a sign saying: "The 5 again if they return the 4". Gathered many viewers and the State Security evicted from there. All were arrested and Idarmis Nunez Reynoso, who reports the news was released on Monday 21 February, while those days on hunger strike.
were presented in Nunez Reynoso Idarmis house in Santiago de Cuba and do not let them get there, they took prisoners, activists, Guillermo Espinosa, Reynier Guillermo Arocha and Cobas Reyes, in the building you live Idarmis located in Micro 3, Reparto Abel Santamaría, the neighbors have to identify themselves to enter and exit.
Central Palma Avenue, in the place known by El Hoyo, in Palma Soriano, Santiago de Cuba, dawned on day 22 with signs reading: "Down with Fidel" and "Down with communism."
Day 21 in Baracoa were arrested in Central Park in the afternoon, Francis Luis Manzanet Ortiz, Romero Sarriba Annis (Moa), Maritza Romero Cardosa (AMM), Juan Carlos Osorio Vázaquez (Moa), are still detained.
Caimanera From, Guantanamo, Aranda Eliexei Matos reports that the three points control of entry and exit of the municipality is a list of the names of opposition activists to prevent his departure. They are unable to leave the resort: Elisa Reiner Milagros Acosta, Flores Yissel Lobaina, Yameisis Curbelo Aguilera, Yeris Curbelo Aguilera, Ernesto Moreno Carrera, Yuris Alfonso Cordova, Roberto Alfonso Pérez, Rafael Pérez Caballero, Alfonso Maria Cordova and Ricardo Pelier Frómeta ( This was arrested trying to leave). You can see a demonstration in the town police with senior officers
They collected this information: Arnaldo Ramos Lauzurique and Martha Beatriz Roque Cabello
Havana, February 22, 2011.
Time: 7 pm