Friday, January 14, 2011

Little Einstein First Birthday

I really had a hard time understanding that I have to watch. Exercising and eating healthy is good, of course, but I mean other type of care, such as talking to calm myself. It is not easy. I do not know whether for cultural reasons, because I'ma woman or because I planned well, I find it much easier to sense what others feel to stop and listen to what my soul needs. And I'm sorry, because every one of us is essentially a child is often neglected and sometimes abused. How little we respect ourselves! I, for one, which I realize I'm already failing and criticizing, like the evil stepmother of fairy tales. Instead of remembering my successes, my mind's specialty is finding, with the effectiveness of the best detective, my mistakes, by little they are. To counteract this trend, I decided long ago to spy on my mind. Do not scold or judge when it drives you to get in the worst, show the dark side. I do not want fights or trouble, she just does what he was doing. Sweetly and gently show her lighter spots, bright and beautiful. I work very well the trick of showing a picture of me, of tiny, three or four years. Is it easy to be kind to the innocent child full of life. Then I say I take in my arms, to protect it, the mime. And so, slowly, slowly widens my heart and soul, grateful, gives me moments of calm.


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