Sometimes this blog have commented on the valuable help I received from the therapists that I found in the way of my grief. I was fortunate that already in the hospital the night that changed our lives, was on our side our friend and Elisabeth homeopathic doctor. I met many years ago when repeated otitis our youngest son, James, prompted me to look for alternatives. She gave us hand in the early days of darkness and has never stopped. Tita also kept us, my friend and teacher of yoga and continues to distance now living in another continent. Marcelino, the psychologist that awaits us all at home has been and remains one luz en nuestro camino. He conocido diversas terapias energéticas y desde hace 10 años, una vez al mes, acudo a un taller de interpretación de sueños… Sí, tengo la suerte de contar con muchas buenas personas que me acompañan con su sabiduría. Dicen que estas personas aparecen, como los ángeles, cuando abrimos nuestro corazón, cuando nos mueve el impulso de estar bien, de atravesar las tinieblas, de conocernos mejor, de evolucionar, de abrazarnos al amor para seguir viviendo.
Aunque nadie puede andar nuestros pasos, pienso que no solo es lícito sino necesario contar con puntos de apoyo que nos sostengan cuando desfallecemos. Porque estar de duelo es como estar subido a una noria que no para, that seems to have no end.
Each person is different and every grief is personal and what is good about may not work in others, but that does not stop overcome fear or pride and ask for help because the pain parked, hidden, rejected becomes icy rock press your chest and, sooner or later we have to make the case ... or sick.
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