woven Gingerbread House.
Crafts Looking for some to share, I found this beautiful gingerbread house made in yarn. It is full of details and really requires no more than go along the pictures to get anything like it. We can of course increase or remove detail according to our own taste. This was done by Najma http://laboresnajma.blogspot.com
Each piece made separately and then attached with needle and thread, but can also be glued with silicone.
first thing is to make two equal pentagons brown yarn that will be the front and rear of the house.
The second is to make two rectangles that form the sides of the house
The third is to the floor by a rectangle
The fourth is to perform the roof, making a rectangle that covers everything, making sure it is a bit out to the sides .
all comes together. And keeping the home armed, proceed to decorate it.
The sticks are made by a string to the desired size and is woven in red after a lap and a half points in white. Al sewing is giving the rod shape.
Pine is performed in the same way, Tejinder a long chain, long after a lap of half marks in green, one white and finally one in green. At IRLA sewing, you will be giving way to pine.
To place the snow on the roof, we proceed to weave white dot means
Enjoy every detail and put to work.