Well, boys and girls. October is the ideal month to start making crafts for the holiday season.
We can start to make some with our children. On this occasion
adorn my Christmas tree with bells woven. They are woven
crochet, a type of yarn that I love. You can do many wonders with him.
I was inspired by the movie "What a Wonderful Life", remember that old movie where the hero wants to kill himself because he feels like a failure? and an angel led him to see how that has helped change the lives of others by simply living.
So you can see that although it has no life of luxury and adventure, has had a life full of love for others, love is reflected in the lives of others.
And wonder why they have to see the bells in all this? Simple.
Legend has it that every time an angel gets its wings, thanks to good work done in someone's life, the bells ring.
So how I wish you many angels get their wings adorn my tree with bells. They are simple to perform.
These are made in white, but can be done in any color you want. This year, I will do with silver gilt.
The ribbon bow tie looks nice and gives a nice touch.
can also use sprigs of pine, toddle or buy a small ornament of many that sold in craft stores.
As clapper, I will use a bell. I hope
be encouraged to carry with me. But above all, with their children. Surely they love the history of the bells ringing because the angels get their wings. We also invite you to watch the movie with them.
crochet yarn in the color you choose. You can chime in different colors (Christmas colors are: green, red, gold)
crochet hook (the number 1 1 / 2 or 2)
cornstarch (corn starch)
Small Christmas decorations to finish
This is the result:
These are the stitches needed:

not be frightened if you knit the first time following a plan.
there goes the interpretation of hieroglyphs you are viewing.
The crosses that you see means the number of "beds" to be made.
The mean ball chains that must be taken
10 channels are made, it closes the circle.
started the first round: 1
massive, two massive chain-1, 2 strings-1 solid, 2-1 solid chains, two chains-1 solid, solid-1 2 chains, 2 chains
2nd. return:
2 beds, 2 channels (these beds are made in the hollow formed by the chains of previous row)-to complete the lap. We will 7To
3a. vuielta
holes in the chain of previous row, do:
2 solid, 2 chains 2 beds to complete the lap
4a. 5a. 6a. and 7a. return:
holes in the chains of previous row, do:
2 beds, 2 channels, 2 beds, 1 chain to complete the lap.
In the latter one round (this can be in a different color to give it a nicer finish):
8 beds in the gaps of previous row.
should stay in the sig. way:
Once we finished the bells, proceed to starch. To do this, do the following preparation:
In a saucepan with a cup of boiling water add 2 teaspoons cornflour (cornstarch)
In this preparation, are introduced bells and no spin is put on Altun object with properly. If you do not have, we can shape it with plastic bags wrapped. Must be an object not of paper to prevent sticking.
are dried, preferably in the sun until firm.
To hang, make a loop with ribbon or wire. introduces the bell. This should be inside in the center hole, insert the wire or ribbon, make a small knot so it does not become loose.
not forget to leave hanging the bell to sound when moved.
can decorate any way you like, you can use gold metallic thread to give a final touch at the edges, you can hit pine trees, leaves Christmas poinsettia flowers, ribbons, etc.. etc.
And presto!
Surely with the sound of our bells Christmas bells, many angels get their wings.
And to make it more real, how about if each bell is a good deed done between now and December?.
can challenge your kids to see who makes more bells.
Good deeds can be many: for each day they do not argue, a bell.
For every time you perform the activities least please them, another bell.
Maybe by December, instead of shouting in your house sound of bells are heard jajajja.