Thursday, November 6, 2008

Roulette Wheel Makers

crochet mesh Jewerly

I share this jewelry box made with plastic mesh bags (you can use instead of plastic bags, raffia)

Way of doing:

Cut the pieces to form the jewel box :
A rectangular base, or the way you want.

A top sides a bit larger than the base. A needle caneva

If you use plastic bags from the supermarket, before you cut them into strips. If you want to use a single color, cut out the other colors. For example, I use yellow and white bags, cut pieces that came red or other color.

threading the needle with the plastic strip or raffia. Shortly before the test is completed, you must attach it to the next strip. It places one above the other. You must be overlaid by about 5 cms. You keep doing your stitch. Thus, no need to make knots that detract from the finish.

Do you prefer stitch on each piece. I share a sampler of stitches,


parts I put in some separations to put rings or earrings. The mesh did too. Place an inner lid.

And then the cover larger than the base.

can decorate it with whatever you prefer. Flowers, ribbons, dolls.

You can also use it as a candy maker for Christmas, if you use colors and Christmas decorations.

I hope you like the idea.

Sweet Bumps On Stomach

Placemat tissue

On this occasion I share these easy placemats with a cup .....¡ MADE PLASTIC BAGS!

Si ... with those plastic bags you use for garbage, they no longer know what to do with them because you accumulate ... and unfortunately going to give it away.


This tablecloth is woven with them.

To do this, you must cut the bags into strips approx. 3 cm. and to weave. I used half points to reinforce the placemat. I only houses around ¨ ¨ to form the pasalistón.

can separate the bags by color, you can combine different colors.

These placemats are performed by Christmas. They seem happy and super easy to clean. Animate

to do them!

Monday, November 3, 2008

American Football, Headsets

Tea Set

found this beauty Play area .... Complete with cookies!!
Is it not delicious?
Everything is woven.

yarn is woven in, but you can also do it in crochet. What's in various colors.

They are just solid and chains.

This is a task for those who already know how to weave, so there are no stitches to follow.
is filled with a piece of gauze, but if you do you starched crochet and you have much more delicate.

is a challenge. Do you agree?

Light Refracted Through A Prism

Internet In my wanderings I found this stunning idea:

There are pillows and cushions for baby, mom or pregnant.

are so simple that I find it amazing I would not have happened before. In my time, my children around them with pillows, which was uncomfortable for them.

These pillows are useful as you can see, both for the baby to sleep, protected from the cold .... and you can rest assured that will not roll while you sleep.

is also useful for feeding ... can do much more comfortable for both you, as for him, because your arms resting on the pillow, making it much less burdensome to feed your baby.

tell you how to perform below.


Why are you going to use CRESCENT?

allows a comfortable position to breastfeed avoiding the typical contractions during breastfeeding contains the back, arms and weight of baby - Prevents nipple cracking caused by incorrect positioning of the body Mom - For in traditional feeding and inverted - To incorporate with a cold or has reflux - When you learn to sit - For travel , instead of taking the crib, the baby may sleeping on a mattress with a pillow around - To play .... Being smaller is easy to carry and bring it along to another.


cushion for mom and baby

To use during pregnancy, breastfeeding and to hold the baby. Multifunction

: notebook, anatomical, therapeutic and relaxing for use in thoracic, cervical and lumbar. Improves posture and place the column axis, releasing tension and contractures.

The PractiLuna is made of cotton and spandex, fully filled with microbeads EPS, making it possible to copy ezxactamente the curve of the body of the mother and baby. Collaborate with relaxation during pregnancy and lactation, baneficieando the link between mother and baby. It also helps straighten your back improving posture while nursing.

Kinder Moon

So that you will use KINDER LA LUNA? Just

your baby is born, everything is great, the stroller, crib, car seat. The Luna K is ideal for reducing the space and feel more content, as when they were belly. Useful when light cold and can not breathe well, they need to be slightly tilted. When you have reflux. Even when not sleeping at home, the moon may accompany the Kindergarten as an acquaintance of his own crib. Take advantage of promotions! (Link promotions)


Why you will use the MOON?


is available for purchase at: /

I think also a good idea, for those who can not buy or do not exist in our countries.
As you can see, there are four types of pillows:

The crescent moon moon kindergarten


cotton fabric in the color you want. (For the Crescent will need 1 1 / 2 mt. Long by 1 1 / 4 mt. Wide.) (To the moon practiced need a square of 40 x 40 cms.) (To the moon kiinder 1 1 / 2 of long 1 1 / 4 mt. long) (To the moon will need 1 1 / 2 mt. long by 1 1 / 2 mt. wide)
-EPS or polystyrene microbeads (you can get where they sell items that sell crafts or material to make dolls Bear)
way to do:

I put the molds for each model. You just need to expand the size You need

double cut. After the sewing
reverse, putting right sides together. Leave a spot to fill.

Turn to the right and filled with microbeads. Cose

to close.